Working together to ensure we are fulfilling our responsibilities as men
RADIX is a group of men working together to ensure we are fulfilling our responsibilities as men in our families and the broader community. The role (or expectations) of men has changed dramatically over the last 70-80 years throughout society. We seek to reverse this change in our families and our communities.
Over the last 8 decades, little by little, confusion has seeped into the populous in ways that could not have been predicted. In a coordinated attempt to "improve" society (sometimes with good intentions), leaders, sociologists, bishops, politicians, teachers and others in positions of power sough to modernize society by challenging all truths and casting judgement on our traditions. They pulled up our Christian, virtue-based roots that served us well for thousands of years and replaced them with the thin roots of self-reliance and moral relativism which has fostered confusion and fundamental change in the structure of our society. The natural order that God created and fostered for eons was abandoned. The "good" intentions of a few has caused horrific results for the many.
In an effort to raise certain segments of the population they tore down others. While trying to bring people out of poverty, they attack the wealthy. While correcting injustice to the minority they attacked the majority. When trying to provide equal rights for women we tore down men. This is what we seek to address on a micro level.
Today, it is considered radical to be a true man with all the principles that come with that descriptor. Men, today, are addicted. Men, today, are abandoning their families. Men today are gossiping. Men, today, are stepping back when they need to be stepping forward. Men, today, are more concerned with offending someone than speaking the truth.
We cannot change all of this on our own but we can acknowledge the problem and change ourselves. RADIX was established to bring men together and stabilize them; to help them continually orient them to their Creator and help each other walk with our Lord Jesus Christ and imitate Him in our own lives. He gave us the perfect example of what a man is. He is a man saturated in virtues. He is unafraid. he is full of the gifts provided by God Himself (Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Council, Fortitude, Piety, healthy Fear of God).
Apart, we are scattered, vulnerable, and weak; Together, we are protected, strong, and foundational
RADIX has one single object which, if accomplished, will have inestimable downstream benefits to our families, parishes, diocese, society and the world. Our object is to continually unite our will with the Will of God. This means living up to the Lords expectations of us; not man’s expectations. This bar is considerably higher and full of virtue.
By uniting our wills to God Will, we will aggregate our prayers and charity and, God Willing, increase our impact on those in our communities. This will undoubtedly strengthen our faith in God and strengthen (and grow) the Catholic Church and society at large.
The only way to accomplish our goals is to come together and grow in virtue every day through the deepening of our faith and a commitment to being charitable with our God-given talents. This is an objective truth.
We will study our history and bring forward those virtues, doctrines, and traditions that have been left behind. Many of these traditions are incredibly beautiful, solemn, and attractive. They lead us directly to the full Catholic faith without diluting Her teachings.
We will organize spiritual direction for our men, we will organize charitable events, and we will collectively support causes that are aligned with our spirituality such as the funding of seminarians, supporting our consecrated sisters, the training of priests in the sacred liturgy and the Extraordinary Form Mass, and supporting and encouraging priest in need of such support.